Review Article
Agricultural Waste for Energy Storage, Conversion and Agricultural Applications
Yilikal Melak Assaye*
Volume 10, Issue 3, June 2024
27 August 2024
25 September 2024
18 October 2024
Abstract: Agricultural waste residues (agro-waste) present a significant source of carbohydrates that are often underutilized despite their valuable properties. With increasing urbanization and limited non-renewable resources, the valorization of agro-waste is imperative. The global energy demand is on the rise, driven by factors such as population growth, industrialization, and a desire for enhanced living standards. Traditional energy sources, especially fossil fuels, have come under scrutiny for their environmental impact and limited availability. Consequently, there is an increasing focus on developing renewable and sustainable energy solutions, particularly through the use of agricultural waste. Agricultural waste—including crop residues, animal manure, and byproducts from food processing—represents a largely untapped resource for energy production. Converting this waste into valuable energy can help meet rising energy needs while offering environmental and economic advantages, such as mitigating waste disposal issues and creating additional income sources for the agricultural sector. Despite the significant potential of agricultural waste for energy storage and conversion, several challenges remain. These include issues related to logistics and transportation, the need for pretreatment, and concerns about economic feasibility. Future research should aim to enhance conversion technologies and better integrate agricultural waste into energy and agricultural systems. This review discusses various energy conversion technologies and applications of agricultural waste, including biofuels, biogas, and direct combustion, while exploring its role in energy storage through biochar. This review examines the composition and properties of agricultural waste, the various technologies available for energy conversion, and how agricultural waste can be utilized as a feedstock for biofuels, biogas, and direct combustion. It also investigates the integration of agricultural waste in energy storage solutions like biochar and explores other agricultural applications beyond energy production.
Abstract: Agricultural waste residues (agro-waste) present a significant source of carbohydrates that are often underutilized despite their valuable properties. With increasing urbanization and limited non-renewable resources, the valorization of agro-waste is imperative. The global energy demand is on the rise, driven by factors such as population growth, i...
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Review Article
Research on Breakwater Structure: A Brief Review
Xiaowei Wang,
Xiaoqun Wang*,
Likun Liu,
Li Xin,
Kaiming Li
Volume 10, Issue 3, June 2024
29 September 2024
18 October 2024
25 December 2024
Abstract: As a kind of protective engineering, breakwater plays a very important role in the safety of the protected objects, and scholars from all over the world have done a lot of research on the characteristics of breakwater. Reviews are a quick way to see how research is progressing. In addition to the traditional breakwaters for the purpose of wave suppression, there are many breakwaters with power generation functions. In order to supplement and enrich the research of breakwater, adapt to the development of the Times, the breakwater is reviewed. In this paper, breakwaters are divided into traditional breakwaters and wave energy converter(WEC) breakwaters according to their functions. The traditional breakwaters for wave absorbing, while the WEC breakwater is breakwater added wave energy converter, which can convert wave energy into electrical energy, so WEC breakwater has two functions of wave dissipation and power generation. According to the fixed type, the traditional breakwater is divided into fixed breakwater and floating breakwater. In addition to adding WEC breakwaters in the classification, this paper takes the transmission coefficient kt =0.5 as the reference line and compares the optimal transmission coefficient of the corresponding breakwater structure with the reference line. Finally, the structure of the breakwater is summarized and suggested. Hope to play a guiding role in scholars' research and engineering construction.
Abstract: As a kind of protective engineering, breakwater plays a very important role in the safety of the protected objects, and scholars from all over the world have done a lot of research on the characteristics of breakwater. Reviews are a quick way to see how research is progressing. In addition to the traditional breakwaters for the purpose of wave supp...
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